Bright Eyes Academy was established in 2006, by Director and Founder Carrie Benjamin and has been serving families of Delta since.
Carrie attended Capilano University where she studied Business Administration and then moved in to the Early Childhood Education Program. Since graduating, she has worked with children of all ages, as well as, completed many field related workshops and seminars. Carrie also has an extensive background working with adults and children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
The birth of her children inspired her to create her own early learning programs. Her passion and focus is with emergent curriculum. She wanted to create a program in her community that reflected the programs of the schools in Reggio Emilia, Italy. Carrie has been on a mission since 2006 to bring the best that she has to offer to the children of Bright Eyes Academy. Knowing that she cannot do this alone she has spent hours scouring for teachers that are able to see her vision through. All of the teaching staff at Bright Eyes Academy hold themselves to a higher standard and know that they are shaping our future, a job that is taken seriously.
Bright Eyes Academy’s started with 8 preschoolers in a small classroom at a Ladner elementary school and has now grown to programs that care for over 100 families each and every year. There are two locations in Ladner and one in North Delta offering programs for infants, toddlers, preschoolers and school age children to serve and support families in our community.
The teachers are inspired daily to continue to grow and learn as early childhood educators, coming to Bright Eyes Academy every day with intent and purpose for this job they have such a strong passion for.
Bright Eyes Academy programs and approach to early learning has become well known in the communities of Delta. There are limited spaces available in fact most programs have a wait list.